Under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme the government has increased the funding for the domestic solar cells and module manufacturing to Rs 24,000 crore from the existing Rs 4,500 crore to make India an exporting nation.
?% of (112.31 ÷ 13.97 × 90.011) = 359.98
2.51% of 800 - 3.97% of 250 = ?
157.78% of 4820 + 92.33% of 2840 = ? + 115.55% of 1980
?% of 1200.22 + 319.82 = 3.99 × 295.64
[(5/9 of 719.87) + (59.73% of 450.31)] ÷ (√168.79 - 3/4 of 63.94) = ?
(15.98% of 399.99) - 6.998 = √?
4 √1295.98 × 1339.42 + ? = 73 × 26.01
(18.22) 2.02 + (13.89) 2.12 – (44.88) 2.07 = ? – 1604.85
47.98 × 4.16 + √325 × 12.91 + ? = 79.93 × 5.91