Jyotirao Govindrao Phule (Mahatma) was born in Pune, was a great social reformer. He dedicated his book Gulamgiri to the American movement to free slaves, he linked the conditions of the black slaves in America with those of the lower castes in India.
Simplify the given expression:-
{8 – (8 ÷ 2) × 4 + 24} ÷ 8
(2/3) × (5/7) × (3/4) × ? = 80
212.3 × 4414.7 × 4623.4 × 4845.85 = 462?
(60/15) × 25 + 15 2 – 18% of 200 = ? 2
10 × 100 ÷ 5 + 9 = ?
(392 + 427 + 226 – 325) ÷ (441 + 128 – 425) = ?
? = 0.05% of 12000 + 175% of 4800 – 133
15848 ÷ 4 – 793 × 6 + 3628 = 3 × ?
(11/12) × (18/22) × (4/3) + 3 = ?2