Union Minister of State Dr Jitendra Singh launched India's first manned ocean mission Samudrayan at Chennai. With the launch of this Ocean Mission, India joins the elite club of 5 nations such as the USA, Russia, Japan, France and China to have such underwater vehicles for carrying out subsea activities. The Matsya 6000, the deep-sea vehicle under the Samudrayan initiative, is designed to carry three people in a titanium alloy personnel sphere of 2.1-metre diameter enclosed space. It comes under the purview of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).
Tulsidas Balaram,country’s finest player has passed away. He belonged to which sport?
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
1. The Maritime Decarbonization Conference was co-hosted by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, ...
Which genetically improved freshwater fish variety was recently launched by Union Minister Rajiv Ranjan Singh?
Who has been honored with the Visionary Leader Icon Award 2023 by Advocates Association For Social Responsibility And Awareness (AASRAA)?
Pandit Sanjay Marathe was renowned for his expertise in which two areas of music?
Consider the following statements about India-Indonesia bilateral trade:
1. Total trade between the countries was USD 29.4 billion in 2023-24.
Which of the following countries uses the "Yuan" as its currency?
Which organ in the human body is responsible for filtering blood?
Which Indian state launched the 'Nandini Ksheera Bhagya' scheme for free milk distribution to school children?
Which organization signed a contract to develop and supply the "Aravalli" helicopter engine in August 2024?