Under the SagarMala scheme, how many kilometers of inland waterways will be built to develop the country?
The Sagarmala programme is the flagship programme of the Ministry of Shipping to promote port-led development in the country through harnessing India’s 7,500 km long coastline, 14,500 km of potentially navigable waterways and strategic location on key international maritime trade routes. The main vision of the Sagarmala Programme is to reduce logistics cost for EXIM and domestic trade with minimal infrastructure investment.
[4(2/3) + 5(1/6)] × 45% of 240 = ?
The value of ((0.27)2-(0.13)2) / (0.27 + 0.13) is:
x + 3(y + x – 2) – (x + y).
125% of 80 – 6 × 4 = ? × 13 – 54
144 (1/2) × 14 – 28 = 7 × ?
34 × 5 × 2 ÷ 6 + 7 × 5 + 13 = (?)× 6 – 754
15% of 2400 + (√ 484 – √ 256) = ?
375% of 320 - 80% of 40 ÷ √256 = ?
√1444 + √729 – √2116 = ?