Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) was launched by Narendra Modi on 28th August 2014. It is a national mission with an aim to provide access to various financial services including Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension, Banking Savings & Deposit Accounts in an affordable manner. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana was launched by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on 1 May 2016 to distribute 50 million LPG connections to women of Below Poverty Line families. Digital India Programme was launched in 2015. The programme has been enabled for several important Government schemes, such as BharatNet, Make in India, Startup India and Standup India, industrial corridors, etc. The One Nation One Ration Card facility was started as inter-State portability of ration cards in 4 States w.e.f. August 2019.
A Solid Cone of height 18cm diameter of its base 36cm is cut from a wooden Solid sphere of radius 18cm. the percentage of wood wasted is ?
Total surface area of a right circular cylinder is 792π cm2. If the height of the cylinder is 3 cm less than its diameter, then find the dia...
2[sin x – cos x]4 + 6[sin x + cos x]2 + 5[sin6 x + cos6 x]= ?
The area of an equilateral triangle is given as 432 √3 cm2 . A square is constructed such that one of its sides is equal to the height of...
If √̅1̅2̅-̅2̅√̅3̅5̅ + √̅8̅+̅2̅√̅1̅5̅ = √a + √b, where a and b are positive integers, then the value o...
(180/3)% of the raindrops could have been collected, when 8 cm of rain has fallen on a part of land of area 2.5 km2, in a tank having a 200 m...
Find how many cubes of side 1 cm each can be made by melting a cuboid with dimensions 20cm × 40cm × 5cm?
The average cost of two chairs is Rs. 15000. The average cost decrease by 30% when one more chair is included. What is the cost price of the 3 rd <...
A gardener uses cylindrical roller of diameter 7 cm and length 28 cm to flatten a rectangular field of dimension 280cm × 165 cm. Find the number o...
If the lateral surface area of a regular tetrahedron is 75√2 cm², determine the volume of the tetrahedron