Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced in her budget presentation that The Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) would be extended to cover the next fiscal as well, with expanded guarantee cover of Rs 5 lakh crore. An additional guarantee amount of Rs 50,000 crore has been announced for the hospitality sector.
A seller marked his article 80% above the cost price and sold it after offering two successive discounts of 60% and 25% respectively. In the whole trans...
'P' sold an item to 'Q' making a 20% profit. 'Q' then sold the item to 'R' at a 10% loss for Rs. 1728. Subsequently, 'R' sold the...
The marked price of an article is Rs. 120 more than its cost price. The article is sold at 50% discount such that the seller earns a profit of Rs. 20. F...
'P' sold an item at a profit of 40%. If the cost price of the item had been Rs. 150 less and its selling price had been Rs. 30 mo...
A shopkeeper bought oranges at 7 for a rupee and sold them at a gain of 40%. How many oranges for a rupee did he sell?
A shopkeeper priced an item at Rs. 640 above its original cost and then sold it at a 25% discount, resulting in a 35% profit. Calculate the cost price o...
A shopkeeper selling an item for Rs.(a + 500), and suffered a loss of 20%. suppose he sells it for Rs.(2a – 500), he will make a profit of 20%. Find t...
A merchant initially raised the price of a product by 25% and subsequently by an additional 20%. After providing a 24% discount on the final price, he g...
A manufacturer sells an article to a wholesaler at a profit of 20%. The wholesaler sells it to a retailer at a profit of 25%, and the retailer sells it ...
A cuboidal room has a length of 27 meters and a width of 18 meters. If the volume of the air in the room is 4374 m³ then find the cost of painting th...