Reserve Bank of India Governor, Shri Shaktikanta Das inaugurated the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH)on March 24th, 2022 in Bengaluru. It was set up as a Section 8 company under Companies Act, 2013, with an initial capital contribution of ₹100 crore to encourage and nurture financial innovation in a sustainable manner through an institutional set-up.
A country Kaishala imposes a 10% tariff on imported vehicles but no tariff on imports of machinery or other inputs to the manufacture of vehicles. Suppo...
Which of the following test is used for Multicollinearity?
An economy’s output in year 0 is 10 percent below its maximum potential output and the maximum potential output steadily increases at the rate of 5 pe...
Assume that there are equal numbers of male and female students in a university. Of all male students, 10 per cent major in economics; and of ...
Price rigidity or interdependence of firms is a phenomenon witnessed in which market structure?
If a country’s nominal GDP is constant, then which of the following statements about it would be correct?
Which of the following statements is not true regarding CIBIL?
Suppose demand and cost function of a monopolist are Q = 5 – 0.25P and C = 4Q+2. If government imposes a tax @10% of sales. What is the total tax ...
In a portfolio investment?
In the Lewis model, what will cause an expansion in modern sector employment?