The Delhi government will be sending elderly pilgrims for Jagannath Puri Yatra in Odisha under its free pilgrimage scheme. Two trains under the ‘Mukhyamantri Tirth Yatra Yojna’ carrying the elderly pilgrims will leave for the yatra. About Free pilgrimage scheme of Delhi Government The Mukhyamantri Tirth Yatra Yojana was launched by chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on July 12, 2019. Under the scheme, the Delhi government offers free pilgrimage for senior citizens from the national capital. Facilities such as paramedical staff and attendants are also provided during the journey. About Odisha Capital: Bhubaneswar Governor: Ganeshi Lal Chief Minister: Naveen Patnaik Jagdeep Dhankar is governor of West Bengal.
Which organization recently introduced the ‘New World Soil Health Index’ to standardize soil quality assessment globally?
Which country passed its first-ever legislation to combat violence against women, including practices like forced marriage and female genital mutilation?
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Sports journalist Vijay Lokapally wrote a biography ‘Driven’, it is of which of the following players?
Who holds the position of Secretary General at the National Human Rights Commission as of June 2024?
Which Indian Naval Ship participated in a Maritime Partnership Exercise with Russia on July 30, 2024?
A new policy of paramountcy was initiated by which of the following Governor General?
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Consumer behavior can be explained with which of the following?
I. Cardinal utility analysis
II. Ordinal utility analysis