Out of 250 members of the Rajya Sabha or Council of States the 12 members are elected by the President for contributions to art, literature, science, and social services.
According to the Central Vigilance Commission Act it shall be the duty of the Commission to present annually to the President a report as to the work do...
Which of the following constitutes Cheating as per S. 420 of IPC?
What is meant by expressed promise?
Under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, if the parties do not agree on the place of arbitration, who determines the place of arbitration?
Which Schedule of the Constitution of India prescribe Forms of Oaths and Affirmations?
Principles of Natural Justice are:
Article 16 of the Constitution of India deals with______.
Which section of the IPC delas with limit of solitary confinement?
For the purposes of Section 141 of Negotiable instruments Act. 1881. 'Company' doesn't mean:
The term “Lok Adalat” refers to___________