The government announced that more than 20 lakh persons have been provided employment under the PMEGP which is being implemented by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. It released Rs 5,381.63 crore under the scheme since 2008-09 and assisted more than 2.33 lakh projects.
Cardinality related to ————–
Which type of transistor is less susceptible to thermal runaway?
Which technique is commonly used for visualizing the flow of data within a system in the form of diagrams?
Which component in Hadoop is responsible for managing cluster resources and scheduling tasks?
An online discussion group that allows direct live communication is known as
Trace the output int main() { int a=12,b=39; printf ("%d",a&b); return 0; }
What holds true for “Internet”?
Which of the following is a component of a combined cycle power plant?
What is a top-down parser?
In Stop-and-Wait flow control, what happens if the sender does not receive an acknowledgment for a transmitted frame?