The famous 11-day Dhanu Jatra, the annual drama-based open-air theatrical performance is conducted in and around the city of Bargarh in Western Odisha. It is based on the mythological story of Lord Krishna and his Uncle, King Kansa. Each day a different chapter is shown.
Who was ranked as the top central banker globally for the second consecutive year by Global Finance magazine in 2024?
The settlement of which of the following instruments is facilitated by Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL)?
What is one disadvantage of the systems approach?
Which currencies were included in LIBOR?
As per dividend discount model, which among the following will give the cost of Equity?
Compute the payoff to a long position in a forward contract given that the forward price is Rs 35 and the price at maturity is Rs 55.
How many Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) had their licenses revoked by the RBI in 2024 alone?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted non-banking finance companies operating as Infrastructure Debt Fund (IDF-NBFCs) to raise money through ext...
Which among the following can be utilized for Buy Back of shares of an organisation?
Which of the following ratios are used to measure a firm’s liquidity and solvency?