The correct answer is B
The deposits made under the ‘Mahila Samman Savings Certificate 2023’ shall bear interest at the rate of _________________.
With iron, which metal is combined to produce 'Spotless Stainless Steel'?
Which country will host the next meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State in 2024?
Consider the following is/are correct about Haploclastusnilgirinus:
1. Recently, researchers opinioned that the Haploclastusnilgirinusa species...
Consider the following pairs:
Which of the following passes connects Uttarkashi and Tibet?
What is the typical quantity of eggs released in a single menstrual cycle?
The salaries of the Supreme Court judges are determined by _______.
Which one of the following best describes the term ‘Exclusome’, seen in the news recently?
Who has been permitted to remit advance payment on behalf of Qualified Jewellers for import of gold through India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Lt...