On 14th October, 2022, The Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh launched a website naming ‘maabhartikesapoot.mod.gov.in at National War Memorial Complex, New Delhi for the contribution to Armed Forces Battle Casualties Welfare Fund.
HTML is basically used to design:
What term is used to denote the repetition of data in DBMS?
A__________ is an interactive computer application for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form.
Which feature allows you to view all slides in a presentation at once?
Which one of the following is an example of Operating System ?
Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer ?
Which feature is used to make selected sentences to All Capital Letters or All Small Letters ?
Ink Jet Printer is an example of which among the following?
Which of the following short cut key is used to print any file in Word documents?
A saved document is referred to as _________.