The two-day Elephanta Festival organised by the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) began with a concert by folk and classical singer Kailash Kher at the Mumbai Gatewayof India.
The optimum temperature for the germination of wheat seed is ____.
Which of the following fatty acid is majorly present in Coccus nucifera?
Which of the following fatty acid is majorly present in Coccus nucifera?
Which agro climatic region has highest intensity of agriculture in the country?
The maximum amount of element is required for berseem fodder is?
Which of the following spice is popularly known as queen of spices
Bitter pit in apple is caused due to _____
The process of separating lint from seed in cotton is called ___
The difference between value in use and value in exchange is:
Objectionable weed of mustard is _____