All fraud cases of value below ₹ 10,000/- involving bank officials, should be referred to the Regional Head of the bank, who would scrutinize each case and direct the bank branch concerned on whether it should be reported to the local police station for further legal action.
In a distributed database system, what is the main challenge in implementing a robust backup and recovery strategy?
Null value in DBMS corresponds to?
Which error correction technique is capable of correcting single-bit errors and detecting two-bit errors?
What is the routing table in a router used for?
What does ACID stand for in the context of database transactions?
Which of the following table does not exists physically?
Which field in the IP header indicates the maximum number of hops a packet can take before being discarded?
What is the purpose of the try-catch-finally construct?
What is the advantage of using incremental backups over full backups?
Which OWASP Top 10 vulnerability involves exploiting the lack of proper input validation and output encoding to inject malicious scripts into web pages...