Rs 1 lakh crore from 2020-21 to 2025-26 provision of funds has been made and interest subvention and credit guarantee assistance will be given till the year 2032-33. AIF scheme has the facility of convergence with any other scheme of State or Central government, therefore in order to optimize the benefits of multiple government schemes for a particular project, these are being integrated with multiple external systems/portals for convergence of schemes on a large scale.
Attributes of database?
Basic syntax to create a bar-chart in R is
Which of the following characteristics describes an ideal operational amplifier (op-amp)?
What is a top-down parser?
What does the Query Optimizer do in RDBMS architecture?
How do you define a variable in a shell script?
Predict the correct output for python code
Which technique is used to address the issue of class imbalance in a classification task?
Which tool is used to build data pipelines and workflows in Hadoop-based systems?
What is the primary function of an operating system?