The scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in the year 2016 under the Ministry of Finance. The aim is to allow individuals to deposit money that has not been taxed. Under the scheme, 50% of the untaxed amount must be paid.
Which of the following is an Adulterant for Coffee powder?
What is minimum temperature wheat crop?
What is the water requirement for chicken in liter/day?
T.S.S of jam is(ºBrix)
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Prokaryotic cell?
Counter stain used in gram staining is ________.
What is the role of "alligator holes" in conservation of wildlife?
Given below are two statements
Statement I: C3 weeds such as Avena fatua, Phalaris minor and Chenopodium album are generally more competiti...
It is estimated that about ______ stored grains are lost every year due to stored grain pest in India.
The micronutrient that is most cruical for Nitrogen metabolism in pulses is