Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that PM Mitra Mega Textile Parks will be set up in Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. He further said that PM Mitra Mega Textile Park will promote the textile sector in line with the 5F (Farm to Fiber to Factory to Fashion to Fashion to Foreign) vision. PM Mitra Mega Textile Park will provide state-of-the-art infrastructure for the textile sector. This would be a great example of 'Make in India' and ‘Make for the World’.
Shivank purchased a total of 630 kg of wheat, rice, and pulses in the ratio 3:2:4, respectively. After selling 70% of the wheat, 40% of the rice, and 40...
If D and E are the mid points of AB and AC respectively of ∆ ABC, then the ratio of the areas of ADE and BCED is ?
In a chemistry lab two beakers A and B contains 36% and 40% of spirit respectively. If two liters from A is mixed with 4 liters of B. The ratio of spiri...
The ratio of males and females in a zoo is 3:5 respectively and the percentage of children among males and the percentage of children among females are ...
If a student distributes sweets in the ratio of 1/2:1/3:1/4:1/5:1/6 among five of his friends A, B, C, D and E, then the total number (minimum) of swe...
A bag contains 10-paisa, 20-paisa and 50-paisa coins in the ratio of 9:7:5, respectively. If the total amount in the bag is Rs. 48, then find 40% of the...
Pulses of two varieties, which are costing for Rs.26/kg and Rs.78/kg as they mixed together. when the price of the mixture obtained is Rs.54/kg then wha...