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The correct answer is D
Rishi and Manu started a business with the investment of Rs. (z-6000) and (2z-7000). After 8 months of the start of business, Manu left it and Chintu jo...
Ashish started a business by investing Rs. 6300. Few months later; Ramesh joined him by investing Rs. 8000 such that at the end of the year, the profit ...
A and B started a business by investing Rs. 1200 and Rs. 675, respectively. They remained invested for periods in the ratio of 9:10. If A's share of the...
A and B together started a business by investing their capital in the ratio of 11:8, respectively and total amount invested by them together is Rs. 7600...
P and Q invested in a partnership with Rs.400 and Rs.700 respectively. After 4 months Q added Rs. 'x' more. If at the end of the year profit share of P ...
Three persons A, B and C invested different amounts in a business, which are in A.P. The amount invested by B is Rs. 2000 more than that of A. C investe...
Atul,' 'Bhasker,' and 'Chetna' collaborated in a business, contributing initial amounts of Rs. (p + 300), Rs. (p– 100), and Rs. (p – 300), respectiv...
A starts business with Rs.8000 and after 6 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit divided in the 4:5. What is B’s contributi...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing Rs. 5000 and Rs. 6500, respectively. 12 months later, ‘C’ joined the business by investing Rs. 8...
A and B entered into a business investing Rs. (x + 77) and Rs. (x – 55) respectively. After one year they invested Rs. 40 more and Rs. 159 more respec...