The correct answer is B
In which year did the historic “Salt Satyagraha” take place?
In which year did Raja Ram Mohan Roy start the publication 'Mirat-ul-Akhbar'?
The Indian Home Rule Society was established in which year?
What was the primary aim of the Hindustan Republican Association formed in 1924?
What was the cause of the 1948 massacre in Kharsawan, Jharkhand?
Who built the Tower of Victory (Vijay Stambha) in the Chittor Fort?
Which event marked the beginning of the Non-Cooperation Movement in India.
Who founded the Harijan Sevak Sangh to combat untouchability in India?
Which of the following was constituted as a famine commission during British rule in India?
1. Campbell Commission.
2. Sadler Commiss...
Who said “The National feelings run right through all the Indian class and that is why you cannot carry on against the will of the people”?