The correct answer is D
Only a few Computer are Monitor.
No Monitor is a Scanner.
Only a few Scanner is Printer.
I. ...
Some Onions are Potato.
Only a few Potatoes are Tomato.
All Radishes are Tomato.
None of the Potatoes are Carr...
Read the statement, followed by two conclusions. Read them carefully and select thecorrect option.
Statement: If you are depressed, you are livin...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance...
All books are erasers.
No sharpener is pencil.
All pencils are books.
Only a few pencils are bright.
Statements: Y $ Z, H $ D, Z * D
Conclusions: a) Y & H b) Y * D
...Statements: M ≥ X ≥ B > V ≤ G = Y > K > U < N
I: G > U
II: V ≤ M
Statements: K @ L; M & O, N % L, K $ O
Conclusions: I. O @ L II. M @ L III. K # N
A few browns are oranges.
Only orange are red.
Only a few red are whites.
No white are blues.
How far is Atul from Nisha?