The Siachen Glacier is a glacier located in the eastern Karakoram range in the Himalayas at about 35.421226°N 77.109540°E, just northeast of the point NJ9842 where the Line of Control between India and Pakistan ends.
Only a few Team are Player.
All Players are Individuals.
No Individuals is Group.
I) Some Te...
Statements:No town is a city.
All cities are islands.
Conclusions:I. No island is a town.
II. All islands are cities.
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance...
Two statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II, and III assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance ...
Only a few hut is home
Only few home is room
Only room is apartment
I. Some home being apart...
. Statements:
Some ovens are microwaves.
Only a few microwaves are toasters
No oven is a grinder
I. All ...
Some fans are not switches. Some switches are not coolers. All invertors may be switches.
Only a few pink is blue
All blue is black
No green is blue
I. No black is green
II. Some green is pink
All Animals are Jungles.
Only few Jungles are Trees.
Only few Trees are Forest.
No Forest is a Farm.
Only Bike is Car.
No Bike is Train.
Only a few Train is Buses.
Few Tram is Bike.
I. Fe...