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Philanthropist and art collector Kiran Nadar was recently conferred "Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur" (Knight of the Legion of Honour) by French Ambassador to India Emmanuel Lenain. Kiran Nadar's outstanding contributions and dedication in the field of art and culture led to her being conferred the "Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur." This recognition highlights her significant impact and achievements in promoting and advancing the realms of art and culture.
Number of females in Pune are approximately what per cent of the number of males in Kolkata?
What is the total number of all pizzas sold in the first two weeks?
Find the ratio of number of Black & White print from Printer A to the total number of print of Printer D.
Find the ratio of total number of black pens sold by B and C to total pens (Red + Black) sold by A.
If number of Natraj pencil sold on Wednesday is 80 and number of Natraj pencil sold on Tuesday is 25% more than that on Wednesday, then find the number ...
Find the percentage of the total expenditure incurred for paper
If 40% of total sugar cookies baked and 25% of the total butter cookies baked remain unsold on Thursday, then find the total number of sold sugar cookie...
Arun and Bheem started a business by investing Rs. 1,200 and Rs. 1,440, respectively. After 4 months, Arun increased his investment by 40%, while Bheem ...
There is another Hall D, number of functions in Hall D in May is 25% more than the Hall A in the same month and number of functions in Hall D in June i...
Number of male subscribers of channel B is approximately how much percent more than the number of male subscribers of channel C?