Arishka Laddha, a six-year-old girl from Pune's Kothrud in Maharashtra, has achieved the feat of becoming the youngest Indian girl to climb the Mt. Everest Base camp. The base camp is situated at an elevation of more than 17,500 ft. Arishka accomplished this remarkable feat during a 15-day expedition accompanied by her mother, Dimple Laddha.
Ram Nath Kovind Committee' which was in discussion recently is related to?
Identify the bank that collaborated with DMI Finance to introduce a co-branded credit card.
Which country hosted the COP16 biodiversity talks that concluded without an agreement?
Which operation has recently been started by the State Police for the smooth conduct of Kedarnath Dham Yatra 2024 in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand?
The Mahabodhi Temple was constructed entirely of ______ by Ashoka.
Match the following railway zones with their headquarters:
Mohammad Mustafa has been elected as the new Prime Minister of which country?
Consider the following statements about Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP):
1. The interest rate is 7.5% per annum.
2. The minimum deposit is ₹1000...
Who, in a historic achievement, has become the first female medical officer in the Indian Army to be stationed at Siachen, the highest battlefield in th...
Which novel received the International Booker Prize 2023?