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The correct answer is B
Who sits immediate left of Q?
Who sits immediate right of the person, who sits 3rd to the right of S?
Which among the following file is placed second to the right of P?
Which of the following is R’s position?
Harman, Sunil, Varun, Naman and Bhavesh are arranged in descending order of the height from the top. Harman is at third place. Bhavesh is between Naman ...
Who sits second right of X?
Five products, F, G, H, I and J, are placed in a row facing towards the east (not necessarily in the same order). H is second to the left of I. F is sec...
P, Q, R, S and T are five friends standing in a straight line facing towards north. P is on the immediate right of Q. T is between P and S. If R and Q ...
Who among the following person sits opposite to the one who is third to the left of B?
Seven persons are sitting in a row. M is sitting with P and R, O is sitting with R and S, who is sitting with O and Q and P is sitting with N and M. Who...