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The correct answer is C
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any part with grammatical error in it.
The ideal moreish dessert is (1)/a sticky pavlova wi...
When you are travelling with other women it’s a sort of a safety net which also gives you the courage to explore our dreams, knowing that the othe...
Spot the grammatical errors in the given sentence. Mark the part with error as your answer. If there is no error, mark "No error" as the answer. (Ignor...
It is not the aim to question the idea (A) / that citizens must show due respect whenever the (B) / anthem is played or the flag is displaying.(C) / No ...
The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option...
With the progress of the monsoon and the memory of the extreme heat far behind us, we risk ignoring a critical warning.
Aside by his solemn expression, (A)/ there were nothing in the way he acted (B)/ with the children that might indicate (C)/ anything was wrong among th...
At his birth, it was predicted that he will grow up to be a world ruler but it was not clear whether this would be political or spiritual.
This question consists of a sentence that is divided into four parts numbered (1) to (4). Only one part of the sentence is not acceptable in standard w...
Read the given sentence to find out whether there are any grammatical/contextual errors in it. The errors, if any, will be in two of the phrases of the...