Explanation : Article 14 : The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India . Article 300 of the Indian Constitution pertains to suits and proceedings by or against the Government of India or a state government . Article 124 of Chapter IV states the establishment and constitution of the Supreme Court . Article 310 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to hold a civil post in the Union or a state to any citizen of India, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and any law made by Parliament or the state legislature .
Aseptic processing was invented by…..in the year……
Atomization is a unit operation, which is used for
a) Size-reduction operation
b) It is used for the Solid food ...
Element that act as an antioxidant and have synergistic effect with Vitamin E is
Which of the following is false?
A. Fats provide insulation
B. Fats maintain healthy skin and hair
C. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat...
Fats are solid at room temp. due to the presence of ……Fatty acids
Meat is a product
Inhibition or slowing of growth of microorganisms can be achieved by:
Options :
1. Freezing
2. Vacuum drying
3. Preservatives
4. Fermentation
Which of the following factors can influence the efficiency of blanching
a) The size and shape of the pieces of food
b) T...
_____ is defined as the vapour pressure of a food substance to that of water at the same temperature
As per the guidelines of ICMR/NIN the percent of energy derived from cereals and nutricereals for an adult on a 2000 kcal diet is: