· A conservation programme called ‘ Project Tiger ’ completed 50 years of its launch and Prime Minister Narendra Modi also released a commemorative coin marking 50 years of ‘ Project Tiger ’ , and the government ’ s vision for tiger conservation during the ‘ Amrit Kaal ’. · Apart from the tiger census report, titled the ‘ Status of Tigers 2022 ’ , Modi also released the fifth cycle of Management Effectiveness Evaluation ( MEE ) , an annual assessment that accompanies the tiger census in India . · Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed the 2022 tiger count which makes up to 3,167 . · Calling for the protection of big cats worldwide, PM Naremdra Modi also launched the “ International Big Cat Alliance ( IBCA )” with the objective to conserve and protect seven species — tigers, leopards, cheetahs, lions, snow leopards, pumas and jaguars — and create a platform that will benchmark big cat conservation practices and act as a repository of technical knowledge and funds for conservation . Learn Along : · Project Tiger also known as Tiger Conservation Programme was first put forward on April 01, 1973 . · It is an ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme which is totally operated by the Government of India .
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