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Explnation : The Union Cabinet has approved the modified production - linked incentive ( PLI ) scheme for information technology ( IT ) hardware to boost local manufacturing of products like tablets and laptops, and more than doubled its budgetary outlay to Rs 17,000 crore from the previous provision of Rs 7,325 crore . The revised scheme may offer incentives of up to 9 per cent on the incremental sales of tablets, laptops, all - in - one personal computers, servers, and edge computing devices manufactured in the country to attract investment in the sector . The tenure of the scheme has been extended to six years from four years announced in 2021 . Production Linked Incentive Scheme ( PLI ) offers a production linked incentive to boost domestic manufacturing and attract large investments in mobile phone manufacturing and specified electronic componentsThe scheme shall extend an incentive of 4 % to 6 % on incremental sales ( over base year ) of goods manufactured in India and covered under target segments, to eligible companies, for a period of 5 years About PLI Ministry : Ministry of Electronics & IT Launch Year : 2020
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