The Prime Minister has co - chaired the 3rd Summit of the Forum for India - Pacific Islands Cooperation ( FIPIC III Summit ) with his Papua New Guinea counterpart James Marape .
Pooling of funds under any scheme or arrangement involving a corpus amount of ________________ shall be deemed to be a collective investment scheme
Which section of the Central Vigilance Commission Act lays down provisions relating to the expenses of Commission to be charged on the Consolidated Fund...
How many types of Emergencies have been visualized in the Constitution of India?
Is a written contract compulsory to be made for a lease?
Who shall hold the liquidation estate as a fiduciary for the benefit of all the creditors?
When are the members of a Company considered to be severally liable under the Companies Act, 2013?
Which section of The Limitation Act, 1963 deals with the Expiry of prescribed period when court is closed?
The statement of claim and defence shall be completed within _________ since the arbitrator/s received a notice in writing of their appointment?
As per the Banking Regulation Act the chairman shall exercise his powers subject to the superintendence, control and direction of the ___________________
As per the Competition Act any agreement entered into by any enterprise or person in respect of production, supply, distribution, storage, acquisition o...