Elite Sports India has become the official filming and streaming partner of the prestigious 36th Federation Cup Volleyball Championship 2023 . The event is scheduled to be held from 20th April to 26th April in Karaikal Pondicherry . The event is organised Nedungadu Sports Club, Karaikal in association with the Volleyball Federation of India The 7 - day long tournament will witness the top 9 teams from men ’ s and the top 5 teams from women ’ s compete for the championships . The Men ’ s draw will see teams like Rajasthan, Tamil Naidu, Services, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Punjab, Indian Railways and Pondicherry .
If azolla is grown in rice field along with rice crop, then how much nitrogen is fixed byazolla in rice field ?
viroid consists of
Which of the following weed is used as a green vegetable?
Which of the following element is a part of cytochrome oxidase ?
The bitter taste in brinjal fruit is due to?
Gundhi bug, a pest of rice attacks the plant in which stage?
The program used in the digitization technique of geoinformatics:
Which one of the following is NOT a complex carbohydrate:
Which state has the highest share of Cotton production in terms of area?
The plant enzymes bromelain, ficin and papain are: