In a typical Trade Receivable arrangement, the primary participants involved are the buyer, seller, and bank . The buyer is the entity purchasing goods or services on credit from the seller . The seller is the entity providing the goods or services and generating the receivable from the buyer . The bank, often acting as a financing institution, provides funds to the seller by discounting or factoring the trade receivable . This allows the seller to receive immediate payment, while the bank assumes the responsibility of collecting the receivable from the buyer at a later date . The involvement of a bank in a Trade Receivable arrangement helps provide liquidity to the seller and mitigates the risk of non - payment by the buyer .
निम्नलिखित वाक्य प्रयोगों पर विचार कीजिए:
1. कृपया आप मे...
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सूची I को सूची II से सुमेलित कीजिए और सूचियों के नीचे दिए गए क...
उपर्युक्त में से कौन-सा/कौन-से वाक्य प्रयोग सही नहीं है/हैं ?
जहाज का पंछी किसकी रचना है।
'लड़का चित्र बनाता है' वाक्य किस वाच्य से संबंधित है?
राजभाषा अधिनियम , 1963 की किस धारा में केंद्रीय अधिनियम आदि क...