The Legal Entity Identifier ( LEI ) is a 20 - character alpha - numeric code used to uniquely identify parties to financial transactions worldwide . It has been implemented to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data reporting systems for better risk management . It is used to create a global reference data system that uniquely identifies every legal entity in any jurisdiction that is party to a financial transaction .
What is the area of the Room?
Statement I: Total cost of flooring the tiles in room is Rs. 43500.
Statement II: Labour cost of flooring ...
What is the principal amount?
Statement I: The Simple Interest obtained on the principal after 3 years at 10% rate of interest is Rs 580 less th...
What was the profit earned by selling an article?
Statement I: The article was sold for Rs 850 after getting a discount of 15% on the labelled p...
What is the length of a wooden board of width 6 metres and thickness one-third of the width?
Statement I: Surface area of the board is 152 m².
A factory manufactures three products: X, Y, and Z. What is the total profit generated from these products in a month?
I: T...
What is the area of the circular Track?
Statement-I: The area of equilateral triangle that can be inscribed in circular Track is 48√3 m2
What is the speed of a train?
Statement I: The train crosses a pole in 10 seconds.
Statement II: The length of the train is 240 metres.<...
By selling an article Rs. 20,000, what is the profit or loss percent gained.
I. 20% discount given on marked price.
II. Cost price is...
In an institute employing managers, observers and assistants, what is the monthly salary of an assistant?
I. Each observer gets Rs 16,000 per mon...
What is the yearly salary of Mr. Rohan?
I. Sohan earns Rs. 44000 more than Mohan in a year who earns Rs. 16000 more than Rohan per annum.