Tata Retains Title of India's Most Valuable Brand, Taj Strongest Brand for 2nd Year in a Row : Brand Finance Report.
Which ministry launched the myCGHS iOS app?
Who received the Purple Cap for taking the most wickets in IPL 2024?
What is the significance of the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS) mentioned in the Economic Survey 2023-24?
What initiative was launched by the Ministry of Education to ensure tobacco-free educational institutions?
Which of the following entities did not qualify for the Reserve Bank of India's 5th cohort of the Regulatory Sandbox testing phase with the theme 'Neutr...
What is the primary objective of the 'One India-One Ticket' initiative?
Which entity transitioned from an NBFC-Core Investment Company (NBFC-CIC) to a Non-Banking Financial Company (Investment and Credit Company) (NBFC-ICC) ...
In what sector did the Reserve Bank of India propose establishing the Digital India Trust Agency (DIGITA) to combat related challenges?
Which Indian actor received a lifetime achievement award at the Locarno Film Festival 2024?
What is the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in PMGSY?