Towns producing goods of Rs. 750 Crore or more can be recognised as Towns of Export Excellence (TEE) based on potential for growth in exports. However, for Town of Export Excellence (TEE) in Handloom, Handicraft, Agriculture and Fisheries sector, the threshold limit is Rs. 150 Crore.
Which of the following pigments acts as a reaction- centre during photosynthesis?
Organic carbon is a measure of!
Calculate the amount of urea for 4000 m2 area if nitrogen application rate is 120 kg/ha
MB plough, for tractor pull can work in per day (2 bottom)?
National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing Agricultural Produce Market Committee(APMC) man...
The total number of cereal crops included in Minimum Support Price are
Component of protein and chlorophyll, required in amino acid formation
Red color in tomato is due to pigment
Which nutrient deficiency is responsible for little leaf in mango and mottle leaf of citrus?
Which among the following state has highest alkaline soil?