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SEBI has the power to regulate and perform functions such as check the books of accounts of stock exchanges and call for periodical returns, approve by-laws of stock exchanges, inspect the books of financial intermediaries such as banks, compel certain companies to get listed on one or more stock exchanges, and handle the registration of brokers.
Themes, Variants, Customize etc., are elements of which tab of MS-PowerPoint 2019?
What type of equilibrium is it when the center of gravity is at the highest point?
Which one of the following is not a ‘Greenhouse Gas’?
Which of the following elements is not a component of stainless steel?
Which chemical element is represented by the symbol "Fe" in the periodic table?
Which material is not classified as a metalloid?
Which of the following is the best sources for Vitamin D are –
Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are the examples of
Who discovered the atomic nucleus?
Why is diamond significantly harder than graphite?