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Scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) reported a robust credit growth of 15.4 per cent in FY23 against 9.7 per cent in FY22, powered by growth in personal loans, and loans to services sector and agriculture and allied activities.
Directions : In each of the questions given below a sentence is given with three words in bold. Choose the option which gives the correct sequence of...
Which of the following statements is the second statement of the paragraph?
Select the option that arranges sentences B, C, D and E in a logical sequence.
Sentences A and F are static.
A. Douglas had a childhood fe...
Which of the following is the third sentence after rearrangement?
Given below is a sentence in which four words are emboldened. The words may or may not be in their correct position. Rearrange the words if required an...
Which of the following is the fourth sentence in the paragraph?
Given that statement 1 is the first sentence, which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
Which of the following is the first sentence of the passage?
In the question given below, rearrange the parts of the sentence in the correct order, and choose the correct option. If all the parts are arranged in t...
1. We know that
P. legitimate and more acceptable
Q. democratic debate
R. is what makes
S. democratic decisions more
6. than any others.