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As per the 2011 census, the 54.6% of the population is engaged in agriculture and allied activities. It came down from 58.2 % in 2001 to 54.6%.
A certain sum invested in compound interest (compounded annually) grows to 5040 in three years. If the rate of interest is 25% for the first year, 40% f...
Raman invested Rs. 70,000 in a bank offering 10% compound interest per annum for 2 years. After 2 years, he used the total amount to start a business wi...
The difference between simple and compound interest on a sum of Rs.1000 at the end of two years is Rs10. Find the total CI on a sum after 3 years is?
Rs. (3y + 600) is invested at 40% p.a. compound interest, compounded annually for 2 years, and earns an interest of Rs. (4y - 1200). Determine the value...
A person invested 6,000 in a bank at compound interest compounded annually. After 3 years, the sum became 7,986. What was the rate of interest?
Mr. Kalra borrowed ₹1,55,000 to meet the expenses of his son's education. If the rate of interest is 12% per annum compounded annually, then how much ...
Neena invested Rs.15000 in a fixed deposit scheme for 2 yrs at CI of 9% p.a. How much will Neena get on maturity of the fixed deposit?
Divide Rs. 53,285 into two parts such that the amount received from first part after 12 years is equal to the amount received from second part after 8 y...
Two trains start from points A and B, 300 km apart, and travel towards each other. Train 1 starts from A at 60 km/h, while Train 2 starts from B at 40 k...
The compound interest received on investing Rs. 4000 for 2 years at a compound interest of 20% p. a compounded annually is how much percentage more than...