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Aditi Ashok has become the first female Indian golfer to qualify for Tokyo Olympics. She qualified in 45th place and will now play in her second Olympics.
Which country delivered short-range ballistic missiles, including the Fath-360, to Russia?
When is National Voters Day observed annually?
Who was appointed as India's next Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York as of August 2024?
On which date did Sikkim become the 22nd state of the Indian Union and its monarchy was abolished?
Where was the 17th International Earth Sciences Olympiad held in August 2024?
What is the botanical name for Ringal, a material utilized in Uttarakhand's handicraft industry?
What is SAMADHAN doctrine, often seen in news?
Which state recently launched the CM-SATH scheme to support the educational advancement of its brightest students?
Which Indian ministry collaborated with LEAD at Krea University to create a new inventory of knowledge products in October 2024?
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