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In the Human Development Index (HDI) for the year 2019, Norway occupied the first rank.
What is the approximate height above Earth at which geostationary satellites orbit?
Who was the brand ambassador of Thums Up in 2022?
Rajasthan is the largest producer of which crop?
"The Test of My Life" is a book written by which cricketer?
On which date is International Human Solidarity Day celebrated annually?
BS norms or Bharat Stage norms are emission standards set by government to regulate pollution from vehicles. Currently which stage of BS norms is in pla...
In ancient times, what was Awadh (Oudh) known as?
Where is the National Geophysical Research Institute located?
The Gond tribes of India celebrate which of the following festivals?
What is the FDI limit in India in the Defence manufacturing sector under its automatic route?