Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) students launched the first electric formula racing car to come from the institute during an event in the campus on November 28, 2022. Built completely by students Team Raftar, the formula car ‘RF23’ is the result of a one-year-long process in which the team undertook the Design, Manufacturing, and Testing. make mcq asking the institute
What is the maximum time period for which a person can be imprisoned in solitary confinement if the total duration of imprisonment is 9 months?
Preparation of Waging war against the government of India is punishable with ____________
Which of the following is not true with respect to shareholding in a recognized stock exchange as given in Securities Contract (Stock Exchanges and Clea...
As per the Companies Act no company limited by shares shall issue any preference shares which are______________
To set aside a sale by a Civil or Revenue Court the period of limitation as per provisions of Limitation Act 1963 to file suit is:
The Constitution provides for the establishment of Public Service Commission
I. For the ...
The question is, whether A and B, were married. The fact that they were usually received and treated by their friends as husband and wife, is relevant. ...
What is NOT a condition requisite for a representative suit?
Which of the following is the principle of equity mentioned in the statute of ICJ?
According to Section 2(1)(g) of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 - “legal representative” means-