The number of insolvency cases increased 25 per cent in the December 2022 quarter, while recovery of debt through the process remained the lowest at 23.45 per cent during the period.
Who among the following persons is getting into the lift-1 and lift-2 respectively on floor number three?
Which of the following boxes is numbered 331?
Which of the following combination is true?
How many people live between the floors on which Tina stay and the one having an income of 3500?
What is the difference between the age of the one who works in YES and the one who works in Indian?
Which of the following is the position of the box F?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group. Find the one that doesn’t belong to that g...
C bought the shirt of which colour?
The one who wears Noise born in which month and year?
Which of the following statement is true?