The correct answer is B
The following statements have two blanks which are to be filled in with options given below. Choose the correct combination of words in the same order ...
Border trade posts and infrastructure in the Northeast ________ much improvement to attract investment in the region.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
As soon as Hitler came to power he started ______ the Jews.
I stop by a souvenir shop and __________ of sweet chocolates.
Patoonda is a small village situated …….. the rocky barren land on the right bank of river Kali Sindh, a major …… of Chambal...
What's more, the dominant demoiselle seemed to ________________ her power, chasing her underlings and pinning them into corners of the aquarium.
...Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
I didn't care____________the expense; I want the party to be a real success.
...It took us hours to wake Willie from his ___________ stupor.
You have given ____________ opinion, now you have to wait for ____________.
Stop wasting time and _______; just tell me what you want.