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Aditya-L1 carried seven advanced payloads designed to delve into various layers of the Sun, including the photosphere, chromosphere and the corona (outer layer of the Sun). These payloads employ electromagnetic particle and magnetic field detectors to capture crucial data about the Sun's behaviour.
What is the least number which when divided by 4, 6 & 8 leave a remainder 6 in each case & it is also divisible by 5?
The HCF of two numbers is 48, and their LCM is 1440. If one of the numbers is 576, find the other number.
Find the least number which when divided separately by 15, 20, 35 and 45 leaves 3 as remainder in each case?
The LCM of two numbers is 40 times its HCF. If the product of the numbers is 1440, find their HCF.
HCF of two numbers 60 and 100 can be expressed in the form of (25m – 80) whereas LCM of these two numbers can be expressed in the form of (40n – 20)...
Find the largest four-digit number which when divided by each of 18, 21 and 24 leaves a remainder of 7.
Calculate the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the two highest prime numbers under 10.
The least number which when divided by 5, 15 and 25 leave a same remainder 2 in each case?
The HCF of 5453 and 6409 is 221, their LCM is: