Xiaomi India welcomed acclaimed actor Pankaj Tripathi as the brand ambassador for its smartphone category in India. With focus on innovation, and user-centric design, Xiaomi has gained immense popularity among Indian consumers.
Small stone tools were first discovered in the Vindhya region of India by whom?
Which company launched a digital film supporting Indian athletes for the Paralympic Games Paris 2024?
Which is the largest freshwater lake in Kerala?
What type of missile is the RudraM- II?
In terms of sovereign wealth funds which of the following cities has been declared as the world’s richest city?
Which App was launched by the Election Commission of India in March 2024 to streamline the voting process for individuals aged 85 and above, as well as...
Which Indian company has been recognized twice in TIME magazine's list of the World's 100 Most Influential Companies, most recently in 2024?
Who has been appointed as the next Chief of the Army Staff, succeeding General Manoj Pande?
Which of the following pairs of "player- game" is correct?
1. Bajrang Punia - Wrestling
2. Yash Dhull - Cricket
Which Indian has become the youngest Indian world champion in archery?