The correct answer is C
Which of the following is not a breed of cattle?
Which part of ruminant’s stomach contains billions of bacteria, protozoa, molds, and yeasts?
Cow milk contains ___% fat and ___% SNF.
Anti-transpirant, which reflects the radiation and reduce the leaf temperature is:
Which of the following is an example of dual purpose breed?
Pregnant animals are transferred to a calving pen 2 to 3 weeks before the expected date of calving. Number of calving pen required is what % of the numb...
The system of arrangement in which the distribution of feed and fodder to the animals can be done simultaneously on the both sides of feed mangers.
Which part of alimentary canal of poultry is known as muscular stomach?
Name the breed which is black & white in colour with wide variations from nearly all white to all black, black & white patches throughout body and also ...
Muga silk is produced by _____