HUID stands for Hallmark Unique Identification. It was introduced as part of the BIS hallmarking symbols on the gold jewellery from July 1, 2021. It is a 6-digit alphanumeric code which is unique for every hallmarked gold jewellery. This code is stamped by the BIS certified hallmarking centre.
What term is used to describe an immature fish from the time they hatch until they become fingerlings?
Chemical which is used for the control of high turbidity in fish ponds without low of alkalinity:
Which fish processing method can cause a significant alteration in taste and odor and is used for preservation?
What is India’s rank in Fish production and aquaculture production?
What is the budgetary target set for agriculture credit in financial year 2021-22 special focus given to animal husbandry, fisheries and dairy farmers
is a surface feeder which consumes detritus and zooplanktons
ICAR—the Directorate of Research on Cold Water Fisheries—is situated at....
The National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) is located in which Indian city?
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) is situated in____
Which Indian state or territory has the longest coastline?