HDFC Life had acquired 100% stake in Exide Life Insurance Company from its parent Exide Industries for ₹6,687 crore. “This merger has been made possible due to the encouragement, timely approvals and support from our regulator – IRDAI and all other authorities involved in the process
The average number of books on history, polity and geography in a library is 144, and the average number of books on history and geography is 140. If th...
The average of 12, 33, and x is 25. What is the value of x?
The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. What is the average of the first three numbers among them?
The average of n numbers is 60. If each of 55% of the numbers is increased by 16 and each of the remaining numbers is decreased by 12, then the n...
The average of five even numbers is 68. If we replace two of these even numbers, 84 and 92, with a single even number X, the new average decreases by 4....
The average cost of 3 chairs is Rs. 10000. The average cost decrease by 22% when one more chair is included. What is the cost price of the 4th
A bowler gives 15 runs per wicket. He gives 30 runs and takes 5 wickets in a last match after which his average becomes 13.5 runs per wicket. How many ...
Average age of 25 students is 15 years. If 5 students leave the class, the average age decreases by 1 year. Find the average age of the students who lef...
There are only 220 students living in hostel. If 20 students left hostel, then overall expenditure of mess is reduced by Rs. 800 weekly but per student ...
A gift box has 10 bangles. The average weight of the first 4 bangles is 56gms and the average weight of the remaining 6 bangles is 57 gms. Tell the aver...