Elections are not held in the nagar panchayats of Badrinath, Kedarnath and Gangotri due to their status of temporary settlements. Local interim administration councils administer these three pilgrimage sites for a period of six months during the summers. Urban local bodies include 9 Municipal Corporations, 41 Municipal Councils, 43 Nagar Panchayats and 9 Cantonment Boards
Digital data is information stored on a computer system as a series of -'s and -'s in a binary language.
What does 'SD' stand for in SD Card, used in digital devices?
The output quality of a printer is measured by
On which tier we can sit directly on application and access it
Microprocessors was used in which type of Generation ?
Which of these houses fans and a power supply port?
Hard disk are organized as
A program that converts high-level language code into machine language is called a _______.
Which of the following is a non-standard version of a computer language?
The pathway for transferring instructions between the processor and memory is _______.