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The correct answer is A
Based on the analogy given, find the missing number from the given options.
11 : 13 : 17 : ---------------
'P + Q' means 'P is the daughter of Q'
'P × Q' means 'P is the son of Q'
'P – Q' means 'P is the wife of Q'
Which of the followi...
In a certain code language, MAN is written as OCP and GEM is written as IGO. How will CAT be written in that language?
In a code language, 'VEIN' is coded as XGKP and 'BONE' is coded as DQPG. How will 'CHIN' be coded in the same language?
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term:
Which figure from the given options would replace the question mark (?) if the following figure series were to be continued?
Vinita, Anita, Preeti and Kunjan are dining around a square table facing the centre. Each friend is sitting at the middle of one of the four sides. Kunj...
Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following number series?
5, 7, 9, 11, 18, ?, 34, 35, 59, 67
Pointing to a man, Rocky (a man) said, “He is the father of the daughter of my daughter-in-law.” How Rocky is related to that man?
Each vowel in the word TABLE is changed to the letter following it in the English alphabetical order and each consonant is changed to the letter precedi...